Posts tagged school

Get well Tata

There are very few people in the world to evoke such strong feelings of peace, love and acceptance as Nelson Mandela.  With our former president been in Milpark Hospital, many of us are left thinking “what if he doesn’t get better?’.

I feel that everyone is entitled to their privacy, especially during a personally trying time.  With the world’s media centred on Madiba and his condition, I want to send a message to Tata and his family – we wish you a speedy recovery and whatever the outcome, we owe were we are to your strength and wisdom.

Get Well Tata Madiba

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We Got Another Mention

Driving to work this morning I was ecstatic to hear Lee-Ann mentioned us on Gareth Cliff’s 5fm morning show!  I almost missed the 4 way stop because I was going wild instead of  breaking. 

Luckily I drive like snail (according to my hubby) 🙂 🙂  There’s a reason I stick to the speed limit.

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15 Seconds of Fame

 We were very excited to get a call yesterday from the Fresh Drive’s Catherine asking to chat live on air after 16hoo.  So awesome and totally nerve-racking!  So we had our 15 seconds of fame, which my sister phoned me after to tell me I sounded all prim and proper, all which I am very far from 🙂

 We have had a wonderful response from those 15 seconds, ranging from people blogging about us, to a website design offer and a school wanting to host collections for us – thank you SA, you make this country what it is!

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Our Pilot – School Veggie Garden!

Good News – We have some very good news today, our veggie garden proposal to Lukhanyo School in Amalinda Forrest, East London was approved and we had our first meeting this afternoon with the ladies from CANSA.

Here’s a short detail of what we hope to achieve and when we hope to have the items in place. 


Our vision for the Growing Green Gardens concept is to assist communities, schools, etc to establish sustainable vegetable and fruit gardens to supplement their regular meals.  We hope to educate the community about healthy food choices and provide access to fresh vegetables and fruit.  Environmental responsibility, recycling and environmental care will be incorporated to create a garden that will feed, nurture and heal many. 


Our mission for the project is to enable the community to continue producing and maintaining the garden without outside assistance.  We aim to educate the community in such a way that only will they be able to feed the children of the school, they will have sufficient produce to help community members afflicted with Cansa and HIV.


Although Recycled Inc is driving the project forward, we are unable to complete our vision without the participation of Lukhanyo School, CANSA and the local community.  We have identified areas where we need assistance and support as well as how we plan to implement the project.

Project Time Line for Activities

We would like the staff and pupils to be part of the project from the start, thus we would only start with the “ground” work once school re-opens after June/July FIFA 2010 holidays.

 July 2010

  1. Identify ground to be used for the garden
  2. Source initial requirements to start with the general preparations in July
  3. Plan and schedule garden and planting times
  4. Develop education programme to supplement planting activities
  5. Develop education programme for recycling education
  6. Devise health and other information session plans to assist with co-ordination
  7. Erect garden boundary fences and gate
  8. Prepare soil with necessary compost, water, stakes and stepping stones
  9. Install rain water collection tanks with gutters

August 2010

  1. Start planting seasonal vegetables and fruit with educational programme


* Although every effort will be made to remain on schedule, as the nature of donations and sponsorship is erratic and economically dependent, we can only estimate the above-mentioned timeline. 

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